Monday, March 20, 2023

the practice of bonsai development


This juniper makes extensive use of both jin (deadwood branches) and shari (trunk deadwood).

The practice of bonsai development incorporates a number of techniques either unique to bonsai or, if used in other forms of cultivation, applied in unusual ways that are particularly suitable to the bonsai domain. These techniques include:

  • Leaf trimming, the selective removal of leaves (for most varieties of deciduous tree) or needles (for coniferous trees and some others) from a bonsai's trunk and branches.
  • Pruning the trunk, branches, and roots of the candidate tree.[55]
  • Wiring branches and trunks allows the bonsai designer to create the desired general form and make detailed branch and leaf placements.[56]
  • Clamping using mechanical devices for shaping trunks and branches; bending of branches or trunks may also be achieved by the use of tension cables or guy-wires.[57]
  • Grafting new growing material (typically a bud, branch, or root) into a prepared area on the trunk or under the bark of the tree.[58]
  • Defoliation, which can provide short-term dwarfing of foliage for certain deciduous species.[59]
  • Deadwood bonsai techniques such as jin and shari simulate age and maturity in a bonsai.[60]


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