Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Devices That Measure Body Composition

Devices That Measure Body Composition

In addition to these simple methods, there are devices you can buy that measure body composition.
Many of these devices use a technology called bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA).
BIA sends small electrical currents through your body to see how much your body resists the current. This information is used to predict your body fat percentage (5Trusted Source).
While it is nice to see an actual number for your body fat percentage, many of these devices aren’t very accurate.
In fact, research has shown that the common handheld BIA unit underestimates body fat percentage by 8–10%, compared to more accurate research tools (6Trusted Source).
What’s more, factors like food and water intake before using these devices can make the results inaccurate (7Trusted Source8Trusted Source).
If you do choose to use a BIA device, be sure to use it in the morning before you eat or drink anything (7Trusted Source).

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